
I’m Canadian too. I’m not questioning that other people know all about them (obviously). I’m just saying that I’ve just never personally heard of them ever. And I love British-y things and Downton Abbey and everything. There’s clearly a loop, just some of us are totes not in it.


(me neither, but I didn’t want to say)

Saying there’s a new book about the Mitford sisters is a bit like sharing the breaking news that the sun rose again.



HA! I’m in love with the phrase “an adult buddy to help out at times in my raising”! I’m def going to start referring to my hubby as my “adult buddy who helps out in the raising.” And TBH, there are times in a relationship where that really is the best case scenario.

This. This is exactly what I came here to say. I’ve known people who had serious reservations about going through with the wedding, but the prospect of cancelling a $30K event that they were making all of their family and friends go to was just too daunting. They thought they couldn’t possibly face that, so they

I’d never heard that before. That fact makes me happy.


I’m just gonna go out on a limb here and say your hippie friend was probably a white, cis-gendered, heterosexual male with minimal health problems, English as a first language, and parents who were both born here?

Edit: Immediate self-correction. Full marks. Snark withdrawn.

I’m sorry that your spelling (or autocorrect?) is wrong.

What are you even talking about? I’m assuming that was one of those instances where sarcasm and joking don’t translate in print?

After watching An Open Secret, I definitely got the impression that Bryan Singer was just one of many, many pedophile ringleaders in Hollywood. It was depressing and scary.

I don’t think that would make him too young. But does he have kids? They keep saying the actor has kids of his own.

Oh craaaaaaaaap. I hope not. :(

Yeah, except that Corey Feldman said that Haim was raped around 11 by a Hollywood producer, but that there was an ongoing abuse in his mid-teens on and off the set by an A-list actor. I was trying to figure out who was on and off the set with him in his mid-teens who continued to be a power player in Hollywood. I

Well to be a twink you should at least be over the age of consent, so....there’s that.