Agree. It’s INCREDIBLY judgey! It’s essentially like saying, “I’m not going to listen to what you have to say b/c I don’t like your tone of voice.” I can’t even...ugh, I don’t even have a way to finish that sentence, which means I’ve just written the phrase “I can’t even” even though I promised myself that it’s 2016…
After a little quick Googling of Jeannette Tossounian, she’s a pretty interesting lady. Here’s some of what I found:
You might be thinking of a tubal ligation and you can definitely have that done if you want. Well, I mean, I’m not offering to DO it for you. I don’t even know you, and I’m not a doctor and what if you’re in a different time zone? But, like, a doctor could do it, prolly.
I mean it IS hard to make pasta without eggs, right? I know that’s a sweeping generalization...
Yeah, I also thought maybe Italy didn’t have as well established a vegan community as some other places? Like if you went to California or parts of Australia, you’d for sure have tonnes of resources to help you navigate a vegan lifestyle for yourself, your kids, your damn dog, etc. But maybe in Italy not so much?
Oh whew! I was being silly too about Italy, and then I thought YOU thought I was seriously trying to claim that all Italians everywhere were incapable of figuring out veganism and I was like, Noooooooo! I was just being flippant!!
Holy shit. I don’t even know how to respond to that comment.
I shared this story with my partner with a “can you believe this proposed law? so ridiculous!” attitude, so he did a quick search and found out that there have been a shit tonne of babies dying or hospitalized from malnutrition with Italian vegan parents (okay, maybe not a shit tonne...maybe like three). He said, “I…
THANK YOU. I have known vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians...every foodatarian basically—all my life and I’ve never personally experienced this so-called sanctimony and condescension that some omnivores are so quick to point out. I HAVE had to listen to a lot of shouty complaints about how awful and annoying…
I had to re-read this headline a few times. At first I thought there was a law that would educate people about Genetic Sexual Attraction, and these two were against it.
No one knows. And by that I mean none of my friends or I know. Also Reddit doesn’t know. That’s everyone, right?
NOOOOOO! How could that happen????
As this sign can attest (it’s still there, I pass by it every time I visit my friend who lives in that part of town), committee approval is NOT fool-proof.
Maybe, but that’s the vast majority of what he does! Apparently he even teaches it at art school!
Looks like Monster Lucy has at least one fan!
A lot of these sculptures also don’t look completely finished. Did he run out of time...every time?
On a side note, I once dated a guy who had gotten fired from his job as a medical illustrator because he kept drawing the penises way too large. He didn’t understand why everyone thought his drawings looked odd. I enjoyed dating him.
Pretty sure that child is reading a book about nuclear winter.