I’m not so sure about that. I think blatant racism is Trump’s strong point (ugh, it hurts my soul just typing that). I think the real test of his campaign won’t be fully felt until the election itself when we see just how many racists there are in America waiting to vote for Trump. Not saying that everyone who votes…
Well, according to my law degree from the Law&Order franchise (all told, I’ve spent 26 years in that law school, muthafuckahs!), they don’t. Technically. As in, cops can say, “Your NDA doesn’t include covering up illegal activities,” and then the person they’re questioning says, “Okay, I’ll tell you but I don’t want…
Holy shit. You’re perfect.
Sometimes there just aren’t enough Fuck You gifs on the internet.
Or the British White Male version of “Bye Felicia.”
So you’re saying that Jennifer Tilly killed her career as much as RZ did?
Do you ever wake up and think, “Maybe I won’t troll a post about four dead children?”
Can we all just agree that the only real victim here is Joey Lauren Adams, whose career probably would have been better if Renee Zellweger wasn’t already such a big star?
I agree that 100K seems low considering what happened. Any chance they’ll win though? Seems like the TSA has a “do whatever the fuck they want” card. :(
I’m surprised he’s not planning to just be his own Vice Presidential candidate.
I know, right? That’s actually what I was going to say!
You are my disgusting hero.
I only know about it through Jezebel (search tag: Vegan YouTube Drama Update), but it seems to centre around a woman who calls herself Freelee the Banana Girl (in the image I posted) who claims to eat anywhere from 30 to 70 bananas a day! WTAF?!
Anyone’s who’s been following the Australian vegan YouTubers rage wars knows there IS such thing as an irresponsible banana eater.
Well yes, it’s worse. It’s clearly worse. I mean, yes. Yes it’s worse.
Two questions:
I mean, that’s what it seems like. People who like guns so very, very much.