
Recently, our town lost it's beloved manatee Snooty (the oldest living manatee in captivity at the time). There is currently a petition to replace the confederate statue with one of Snooty.

What an awful dissertation that must have been


So am I, but let's be honest, they're people I no longer want to associate with

I don't know, one of my ancestors was adopted. So who knows?

I'm kinda curious how much honky I am

Yeah, it's all about the asses now. What's a breast man to do?

"You can't fire me, I already quit"

OOOOH! Sansa and Brienne have matching capes!

Now hold on there. Raw onions are fine on a salad or a hotdog or a hamburger

I think he felt personally attacked when the strike happened

She seems like the kind of girl would give you a quick blow and then go bake you a pie.

(It's Richards's fault!)

He didn't like unions, we know

So which one was your go to girl? Hollie Marie Combs?

But soft what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the East, and Juliet's sweet, sweet tits.
Arise, fair cock, and salute the envious moon
Who is already sick and pale with grief
That they seed, as white, will ne'er reach that far.

I know what you mean. I'm writing a YA book and the characters are 16-18. Yes they would say all sorts of things, but I'm trying not to include them in the book because I don't know if it would be permitted. They say "damn" and "bitch", but the worst I think I have one of them saying "I don't give a shit." And the

A line has been drawn in the sand. I mean it's right or wrong. If we're still here in 20 years we will see who was one the right side of history and who wasn't. I know where I stand, and it's not with those goosestepping morons.


I made pork chops last night with a maple syrup glaze. You chop a few pieces of bacon and fry them in a large skillet. Remove the bits but keep the bacon grease. Then you salt and pepper the chops (I tend to butterfly them so they're thin and cook faster) and cook them in the bacon grease for about 3 or 4 minutes per