
This is a test

He ain't the only one!

Hey, come on!

Naw, that's fair

Oh no, I'm not falling for that!

lady, you have no idea

All hands, abandon ship! All hands ab….

I like them, and I can not be false about that fact

Of course we will and the injections right into our brain won't hurt a bit, you'll see!

Sure, we'll see what happens


We know. We were watching.

Unfortunately his site is blocked at my work, and it might be on others as well

I think I'll miss him most of all

Wherever there's a recap, so people don't have to watch the show, I'll be there. Wherever there's someone making a long space

There's WOT on Disqus run by some of the fine folk you see here

"Jukebox Hero" is certainly capable of inciting an international incident

And this is why you keep your receipts.

All joking aside, fuck this creep.

Someone sent the band Boston to Vietnam? Did they play "More Than a Feeling" for Charlie? Is that why they hate us?

I bet the Funky Bunch have a reunion every year. They get together at the old neighborhood bar and reminisce about the good old days when the felt the vibrations. Every once in a while the door will open and they'll all look, just to see… They extend the invitation every year, but maybe this is the year he'll finally

I'm doing my part by refusing to see any more mark Wahlburg films. Because fuck that guy.