
Two years. I'm glad we've been a little bit of help. Congratulations!

I'd count the middle of Pennsylvania as well. Or as we like to call it Pennsyltucky

I concur

That's what I meant- will edit

I agree with Jefferson, and I am glad more people are pointing this out

So when members of the GOP are up for reelection, people really need to ask them, publicly, "What do you think of what happened in Charlottesville?" And they're going to have to give an answer. Either they're going to have to completely denounce the event, putting them at odds with the President and alienating the

Oh yes. Legally blind sex is great sex

I'll get the big hairdryer!

I concur!

Boy we could use him now more than ever

"Jubilation T. Cornpone: The man who knew no fear!

Really? Then he must have forgot the first rule of dating: Never stick your dick into crazy.

They do exist. They're just not telling us. There's a special unicorn petting zoo at Area 51

Right, he was gracious and tried to engage in polite conversation

1) as a cover (when shoplifting, always buy something. lessens suspicion)
2) Tyrion loves seafood. Always has

Davos shops at Aldi

Well you know, I watch shows with Dragons, zombies, and people who run really, really fast. So there's no reason to believe that this fantasy character will work as well

At my nephew's school they were allowed to dress up as someone they admire. My nephew wanted to dress as Obama. My brother had to explain to him why he couldn't use make up on his face. He suggested just dressing him in suit and saying that he was the President, but my nephew strongly objected because he didn't want

What a ridiculous statement.

It's her Pilates instructor