
Thank you!

Sure, but how do you advertise that?

I completely agree

I hadn't thought of that

True, but what other life have they ever known? Grey Worm doesn't exactly have any skills other than killing

I think he, Murray, and Ackroyd have been the only ones who have been nominated for an Oscar

Where's Indy when you need him?

(unrelated question: I was at Disney World yesterday and I saw the words Zai Jian at the end of Small World. Does that mean Good Bye in Japanese? Legitimately asking.)


He's not welcome

It's the same choice she gives everyone else. Follow me or remain a slave

I thought that maybe each one of the men going North represented a different aspect of the Seven


Worked for JFK

There's probably a huge book of the flowers in Westeros and in some small corner it discusses the Elderberry bush and it just happens to note that the ground-up roots will kill White Walkers, make Dragons talk, and unicorns shit rainbows, but of course no one is looking at that book

According to the witch in Season One, who wasn't exactly proven to be flowing with truth

The books hint at it, but it's just a theory

"That's my secret, Genry. I'm always pouty."

I think there is a line in the book where Tywin tells Joffery that if you don't let them bend the knee, then no one will. Of course, she did give them the option

Yup. Fanservice? Sure, but I liked it.