
That's just it. You're king because all those guys with swords say so

She's stuck to Sansa

Ever been in the stacks at a major university? It was probably shelved in the wrong place


Belle and I were discussing the valqunor prophecy, and we don't think that it was mentioned in the show, only the book. I don't think the Maggie the Frog scene mentioned it. Can anyone set me straight?

The tourney at Harrenhal was meant to be a meeting between Rhaegar and the heads of several houses to discuss a coup, but Aerys showed up for once, so that was scrapped

"Now THAT'S what I'm talking about." -Henry VIII

Just like grad school

Unless he was sworn to secrecy and only wrote it down before he shit himself to death

Yeah, but after all the strings he pulled, to have him snuffed without buildup might be anticlimactic

Ahem… basterds

Looks like they're even going to do the circle 360 shot too

Lyanna was the Laughing Knight who defended Howland Reed in the Tourney at Harrenhal. Rhaegar led the hunt for the Knight and later was when he named her the Queen of Beauty instead of his wife. Clearly, this was when they fell in love. Only Howland Reed knows the whole story (unless Professor Bran Xaiver saw that

The Magnificently Hairy and Broody Seven

A literal army of one

Well they find it amusing when they say the name Biggus Dickon

It's hard out there for a pimp

No one wants to hear about the bear he didn't fook

I think people are confusing Drogon with Temeraire

As long as they have a big Avengers style shot with all of them with swords drawn before the chaos begins