
Well that would release Sam from his vow


Athletics thank Jesus all the time. Rednecks like him because he's white

Tattoo licking needs to be agreed upon. I don't just let anyone kiss the blarney stone

Same with Disney Princesses. You can't give Elsa a snowball

It's not just in the UK. Ever talk on the phone from someone from North Carolina? Or Kentucky? You can make out about 40% of what they are saying

Sure every time they get some cotton (you know, the fabric of our lives) it gets burned up, they have to use critters!

Okay, that was kind of funny

Thank you for doing your civic duty and having to endure what you had to witness

Sure. Someone has to clean up the mess

These kinds of things are what keeps me coming back. I love that people post various things throughout the week

I imagine Brolin's plate is pretty full right now to take on three or four other movies

That works too

When everything is searchable you have to be the master of your own brand

Well that's just it. A few years ago we had a bunch of employees who were upset about the direction our company was headed so they wrote out a memo and circulated it around the management team. The next morning every idiot who signed their name to it was immediately fired before they could reach their desks. I mean

Anyone dumb enough to complain about their job on social media is not smart enough to keep their job. That applies if you're at Google or McDonald's

Oh the whole place has changed, so yes

This was taken in front of the new Planet Hollywood in Disney Springs where he has created the menu. We're never going to eat there because there are so many better places to eat at Disney Springs including Art Smith's Homecoming, where we will be eating on Saturday


Well ask me something only Beasterly would know