
"Important?" It seems kind of personal to discuss his sperm count.

He was in a state of denial


I mean Dickens named a character "Wackford Squeers" and no one bats an eye

Belle and were discussing this last night and I really think it depends on what content is going to be on it to determine if it's worth it. As you may or may not know, we're Disney nuts (like annual pass holders, dressing up in costume, that sort of thing) and if this gives access to ALL of their content (I mean from S

A few years ago I get a video from my brother entitled "The day my son found out" and it was a video of my nephew watching Empire for the first time. He wanted to capture the "big reveal" moment. My nephew was thoughtful for a moment and then said that Vader was lying. He believed that Vader once had a son of his own

Good point. I remember bring in Heir to the Empire to read in my senior year of high school and people a barely spoke to coming up to me and saying, "Isn't that great? It's like I'm reading a new movie!"

I had those in a nice big collector's box

I wouldn't say that it had disappeared, I would say that we didn't have the interconnectivity that we have now. I mean when I was in college in the early nineties people still watched the movies on VHS and we would quote lines in the movies (every time we got into an elevator my brother would always mumble "This is

I kind of went nuts with those action figures- I have a whole box of them

Oh I think there were plenty of Jedis doing the Macarena in the Jedi Temple if ya know what I mean, wink wink nudge nudge

And yet no one complained when the unnamed guards in Jedi were named Klaatu, Barada, and Nikto (unless maybe people didn't get the joke)

I wonder if word of mouth helped the ratings. Because we didn't read any of the leaked footage but everything we saw ABOUT the leaked footage said the episode was going to be pretty awesome (and it was)

There's so much we don't know the best we can do is try to understand. I'm sorry this has happened to her.

Oh no, is she ridiculously right wing?

Sure, we all do.

Oh I hope not. I can't have people I know figure out how much of an asshole I really am

When someone asks me what I learned today. I'm going to say this, if that's okay with you.

I would love to ask her all about Downton Abbey. Is Joanne Foggart just as nice in real life?

"Only if you take care of the Southern Isles first"