
"Anyone who has to say that they are a blackmailer is no true blackmailer." Tywin Lannister

We call that a Doctor Strange.

Rose Leslie hears a knock on the door, puts down the paper and answers it.

I'm assuming they're going to do the Broadway version. One day I would like to do that but only if I get to play the Old Man

That wasn't my intent. If it helps you can claim not to be a racist because you're just not that familiar with a movie that glorifies the Lost Cause

Dammit, that was Butterfly McQueen! You have the internet right there!

Mmmmm… Barbara Stanwyck…

You couldn't even time an egg with mine

I also think that we didn't have streaming services and movies didn't go to DVD as quickly (DVDs still being so new. I remember you had to order the VHS copes in advance). So if you wanted to see it again, you had no choice but to go back. I mean I saw it four times with different people. The last time Ai saw it was

People who can't tell reality from fantasy? I don't think he's describing Millennials. I think he's describing his listeners.

I bet, like my dad, the emails are in all caps


We have a guy at works who kind of looks like the guy in the IKEA instructions

Well now I'm in the mood for a little lingonberry juice!

His work was done.

I liked that

Nothing that anyone would want to see, I assure you

I'm not a gamer. I'm just not very good at them.

That being said. I love this fucking game.

But I think it works because it's not played as a wisecrack. It's played straight. He is a friend and he knows him from his work on Earth. It's the playing it straight that makes it funny.

I love this story