
Like when you're robbing a bank and someone car jacks your getaway car

Book: stabbed. Show: blew up

Am I the only one who doesn't care about the time between scenes? It seems kind of nitpicky. You start getting anal with time and you end up like Lost, having a boy age five years in three months. We got to let it go, Elsa.

He ate every fucking raven in that place


Am I the only one who sings "Hot Pie" to the tune of "Hot Stuff"?

Jon, Sam, Brieanne, Jamie have Valeryan swords but that's all we know

"Sorry we didn't send a Raven. Edd lost them all."

He's like my cousin who moved to Portland and wants to borrow my brother's guitar when he comes home for Christmas has wants to talk about the gardening co-op he joined.

Marching with Tarly and Biggus Dickon

Cersei started a fashion revolution!

"Well I certainly farted, but I can't quite place the scent. What did I eat on Tuesday?"

But don't you think that was an award for the entire trilogy?

Thank you for helping to create one of the few places where I feel at home.

Although it does describe my sex life…

I feel like they're saying "He does musical theatre! GIT HIM!"

I always feel that I'm going to be lynched in there. And I'm a honky.

The last time I was summoned it was for a murder trial and the death penalty was going to be invoked. I stated that I was raised Catholic and didn't believe in the death penalty. Now, to be fair I haven't been Catholic for many years, but I still don't believe in the DP, but that was my connection. So they didn't keep

Screw #8, I always wanted to play #4

Well Cinemax holds themselves to a higher standard