
(Only getting around to watch this show now, thus the comments years later) It makes you reevaluate a lot of the people in our own country's history. People don't want to think of Thomas Jefferson as a rapist, but what else can you call him when he has descendants from people who were his property?

Lightning McQueen was not stranger to this. Remember the twins that flashed their headlights at him?

*checks IMDB*
Yes, the very same!

I just figured out who this guy looks like: Greg Germann, Fish from Ally McBeal.

They sure do. I see them every times they're on QVC. On In the Kitchen with David!

Ah yes. Color choices. I mean we decorate everything in that Kitchen Aid Red, but I can see how not everyone would prefer that particular aesthetic

That's ridiculous.

Of course. He's been in tons of battles, but this is the only one where he dined at the Y beforehand. Of course he's going to die

(I can't take credit for it)

The actor who played Barristan Selmy also played Dodonna in Rogue One. I was betting on people's knowledge of pop culture to make the connection

When students leave the dojo and find themselves in a real fight

I'm pretty sure that happens every day at Starbucks with that cranky bitch Karen comes in for her shift

Interlibrary loans must be a bitch… assuming they have other libraries

I typed that wrong. I should have written "removed from the show"

Yeah, that's an interesting design feature

Maybe they're not fans of the Southern Buffet

And how often do you see Dining at the Y depicted on TV anyway?

Like all cults

Ellaria won the Electoral vote, there was nothing they could do

And especially since the lead up to that theory was removed from the books show when General Dodanna bit the dust (since he's the one that gave us the backstory of Aerys and Johanna in the books)