
You have to figure that Milk of the Poppy is under lock and key. If it's as potent as we are to believe they're not going to let a newbie have unrestricted access to it. I mean this is a place where certain books are kept behind the beaded curtain, there's not going to have Medieval Morphine just laying about.


Whenever we saw a guy with his pants like that we'd try to throw a penny in there

Well with a name like that…

I saw that one too

I remember being in MOMA and seeing how small Starry Night was. I don't know what I expected, but it was still cool to be in its presence.

Is it me or have they really put Cannavale in a lot of things that just don't seem to work out, or get off the ground

That could apply to both of them

Are we sure this isn't Vince Neill?

One day, Michigan will finally out do us in dumbfuckery. Unfortunately, today is not yet that day

You call this a stunt? Evel Knieval jumped over 50 stacked cars on a motorcycle back in 1973. now THAT's a stunt!


… sure. let's go with that

Unfortunately all my information is second hand.

We had a kid in high school who had the nickname Pickle. It was because of his dick

This is what he gets for following Sansa Stark's advice and only rewarding loyal houses

Thundercracker. He knows what he did

Couldn't be that close of a friend though

Belle walked in and said "Oh that's Malfoy. Thank god he got better looking."

Sure. I can understand how hard it is not to fuck someone. I didn't use the express line at the grocery store the other day, because a woman was working it and I was afraid that I was going to fuck her, even those I had less than ten items. The struggle is real