
Exactly. They maybe be pretty, but they're a pretty child. Of course, usually any time I talk to a sixteen year old I want to tell them to stop talking for four years

She's the one who should be sitting someone- she was older than I was

We watch that one every year. Great cast.

Just the way he said "Detective"…

He's also one of the better Bob Cratchitts. He's in the one with George C. Scott,

The Emperor's New Groove got me my first lay in the 21st Century, so I can go with that

You'd like him, he's nice. Pretty good cook, too.

Well we're Florida Annual passholders, so they only take some blood every month

I just see the commercials when I am vacationing at Disney World


I thought Bizzardvark was two girls

Why do you think she wears those tights?

okay, that was funny

Top Five mustaches

preexisting coverage!

They do that here as well. You know, that way they can deny you coverage for preexisting conditions

Can you imagine Devil Wears Prada where they have chips? "Emily, why are you in the bathroom, I need you!"

Yeah, this isn't good. You know every time I see one of those commercials where you can scan your DNA I just wonder how long before employers make candidates do that, like drug screening. The people on the commercial seem thrilled to find out what race they are, but I wonder how soon will this technology be used to

And I can't blame him for that , or wanting 19 year old Colossus to break up with 14 year old Kitty

See: Macbeth, Tragedy of