
She gets once scene an episode that she films after school

Milk of the Poppy is a controlled substance

Who knows if Edd can write? He's probably sending Jon a Raven that says Bronn is there.

That was Whale Rider and Colleen Wing. Bad Pussy is still alive.

That was written by Jim Shooter, who also wrote the story where Hank Pym slaps his wife. Coincidence?

Well also Spidey was usually one of the heroes in Marvel Team-Up, so he fought along side everyone. Example, he fought the Juggernaut alongside the X-Men

In the comic books you could explain what she was doing in a text box i.e. "Leaping from the ground, Captain Marvel turns herself into Ultra-Violet light" where the visual would be her glowing. You can't really do that in a movie without some awkward sounding dialogue

So which way do we think Daddy Tarloy is going to go?

They had to sail south past King's Landing to get to Duh-orne, and Euron was already there. It's called the Narrow Sea, so it was bound to happen

Yeah, that's pretty much all we talked about in middle school

One of them has to be off Defendering

Nymeria: New phone, who dis?


It's terrible when people are forced to be Press Secretary against their will. There should be a law.

Well it's a good thing you got out of the kitchen then, tenderfoot.

Yeah when I first went there I was like "Really?

We have a place called Banana Factory, which Belle thought was a male strip club like Chippendales

We have a place down here that would fit into that second category. The Bearded Clam (which I think they also use on Family Guy). I've been there one. I was unimpressed

Did he also mention that the sands in the hourglass are much like the days of our lives?

Not even a little?