

I watched a little less than ten minutes of it, and I saw no reason to watch more

One of the things that I think the films can do is introduce younger audiences to some of the older movies of the really great actors in the cast. For example, when I was younger, I loved Star Wars and was introduced to Alec Guinness. Well this led me to watch Bridge on the River Kwai and Lawrence of Arabia. So I


So this means that Jamie Foxx is responsible for all those deaths Ed Sheeran caused.

So did I. It was fun.

That's why I like Hollywood Game Night. Just goofy fun

I suppose "That guy in that Tom Hanks movie" would not be specific enough…

I just think it was a good film, that could have been Great, but just didn't get where it needed to go

It was as if instead of Uncle Ben saying "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility," he said "Fuck it, do whatever you want."

I'm not saying I didn't like the film, but there were times it seemed that she was a supporting player in her own movie

What are you talking about Willis? No one is shitting on men.

It was an Elseworlds tale where Superman was raised by assholes

I don't know if Jor-El wanted him to remain hidden, after all he did say that mankind needed someone to show them the way. I just think he didn't want him messing around with time.

Barry, I'm looking your way.

And yes, Glen Ford as Pa Kent. "I believe you were put here for a reason" is the single most important line in

Reminds me of Rey and Finn. "Stop taking my hand!"

I don't know I kind of agree. I feel that Steve was really leading the plot, planning things, and they had Diana in a more of a reactionary role. I would have liked to have her make a few more of the decisions

Robin the Boy Hostage

"I don't understand. All my life I've been waiting for someone and when I find her, she's… she's a Wookie."

I've been going to the theatre for many years and I have seen a lot of shitty plays (and I have been in a lot of shitty plays myself) including productions that did to Shakespeare what Brutus did to Caesar, but never once did I ever think to threaten the wife of a director. That's just madness

I would also say that there are youngins who haven't formed their opinion yet. You need to start young