
You know… if you set it in a giant sized pool, and all the structures were made of foam that floats on the surface… that might be fun

I think when they were casting for Hawkman the call sheet must have said "The dullest person available"

Yes, it's specifically covered in Chapter Four of the Hacker Handbook. "Your Eyeliner and You"

Belle had the same opinion. "He's just like every academic I've ever met."
To which I responded, "Even me?"
She was quiet after that…

I have a mental block around it.

True, and when it is an exception, like Cyclops not being able to control his optic blast without his visor, it's a big deal and becomes a huge part of their character as a liability. I mean I am sure there was a trial period where he dissolved everything until he could control it, which would explain why he waited so

So Sunday I made ribs. I got a rack and rubbed it with a brown sugar and a variety of spices, the wrapped it in foil and added a braising liquid. Two and a have hours later we had riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibs!

I'm just imagining Edd on the Wall when he looks out and see an army of wights led by Hodor.

Well they kind of explored this territory a bit last season, up to the conflict with the Boltons Jon's focus has been about the White Walkers while Sansa has been about revenge on the Boltons. they seemed to get past that in the Season finale, but I hope they just regurgitate the same conflict as before. They need to

(Okay, for years I thought he was saying "Given to feel I've got no rhythm" which I thought meant that he has come to the opinion that he really can't dance. This makes much more sense)

If Arrow can have one from the get go, surely Bats can too

Yes, and I wish they would highlight that a bit more

Really, it was that late? how about that

Yes. Indeed.

Short answer- sitcom about a guy that would often cut to the "inside of his head" and different aspects of his personality would react to what was going on. 1980s if I remember correctly

Thanks. It was a rough night

Well I've got a stomach bug this morning and I think I can give it a run for it's money

Personified emotions is by no means an original concept. Think about Herman's Head.

I would imagine that her agents pulled up the numbers that HG and X-Men movies pulled in and did their jobs. Also imagine the phrase "Oscar Winner" sounds really nice in the advertisements

Preston is on the new show Claws, which is very campy, but also suffers from Everyplace in Florida is Miami Syndrome