
I know. I was waiting for her to tell us that Ohana meant family

I thought of it right before time ran out which means I wouldn't have had time to write it. And I even saw that turkey of a play

Could we compare it to the Justice League situation? (Obviously not the circumstances, which were unfortunate for JL)

Back door, huh? Good idea.

Wait, what are we talking about?

There's no such thing

The one hanging out with G.I. Joe and his Kung Fu Grip

Malibu Douchebag Ken is going to be their best seller

Oh sure, I could, but I like to think of myself as an upstanding…

Naw I can't even write that with a straight face

And did you put your hands on your hips, look at the camera and say "Oh that Jerry!" followed by a freeze frame and the credits rolling?

That's just how I pictured it.

That has been my experience

You know at first I thought that working for the Trump administration might be horrible, but I think if you go into it thinking "I can just do whatever I want as badly as I want it. As long as I don't break any laws, the worst that can happen is they fire me." It could be a sweet gig.

You know, years ago I was working in a bookstore and we had an employee named Nicole who in her first week of working left for lunch and just never came back. After that sometimes we would jokingly say "I'm going to pull a Nicole."

I get the feeling that Spicer has wanted to pull a Nicole about one week into the job

You leave Wilbur out of this

I'm reminded of the Caldecot farms episode of Mad Men and I was wondering what horse tastes like. I mean I've eaten all your basic meats and seafood, even alligator. Sure I like horses, but I also think chicks, and cows, and piggies are cute too, and believe me, I will eat them

Oh come on! There's community theatre!

Redheads. My weakness

"I was about to cost the network a shit load of money"

"Rock stars are undeniable. Like herpes."

I mean it rhymes with "molester" it's right there. Of course it's creepy.

American actor training went Method. The focus went to emotional memory rather than physical and vocal training. Once mumble mouths like Brando became stars that all went out the window.