
"Oh fie, for thou puts ketchup on thy meat!"

(I would like to point out that I wrote that in perfect iambic pentameter)

You laugh now, but just you wait until you face the power of my jazz hands!

Rolling… like out of a carpet… I see what you did there… very nice

Yes, because Brutus and Cassius caused what they were trying to prevent. I did this play a number of years ago where I played Octavian. I went through the show just looking at everyone thinking "you dumb fuckers." It was fun.

Right. JC was actually fairly successful before he was named coucil

Usually they'll say things like "Character actor" which is code for either heavy or not pretty. They'll say "leading man type" "professional type" "Athletic" "military". Things like that

Just an adherence to modern standards of beauty, nothing more. The history of art is full of such examples. A lot of Renaissance paintings featured Biblical characters in what would have been considered contemporary dress. You can always tell when a movie was filmed because even if it's a period movie, the hair always

If I remember correctly, she wears her black cloak for most of the movie until she emerges in No Man's Land. That's when we see her in full costume. And even then it wasn't fan-service: it was an armored warrior ready for battle. One of the things I liked about the costume design was that it wasn't a swimsuit and go

Well just you wait- Aquaman-in-name-only will be coming soon!

As for Hawkman… well they had him on Legends of Tomorrow played in the dullest manner possible.

Now that the story has been edited, it's a little different. I thought she was asked to be topless. In my personal experience a lot of the casting sometimes will specify things like that. I have been on cattle-call auditions and even told to take off my shirt for a nude role (and… didn't get cast after that) or wear

Well I'm making an assumption of course. I have the feeling that if nudity had been mentioned she would have a) chose not to audition, or b) would not have been surprised when she was asked to be topless. Her story seemed to suggest that she was not expecting to appear topless for the producers

Well I think Cars 3 will take the top spot next week. It's PIXAR, and believe it or not, little boys love Lightning McQueen and co. And of course, Disney fanatics. However I don't see WW falling from second. there's really nothing else to challenge it

What the Dark Universe needs is the Time Traveler from H.G. Wells's The Time Machine!

To go back in time to tell Universal not to do this.


eh, works for me

Oh I wouldn't go that far

Saw a production of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Great staging, but they did it in a way where a character form modern times goes into the book to save the oceans. I would have preferred a straight up version of it

yeah, make it last longer

Good to see that Wonder Woman has legs

I could have phrased that better. Seriously though I'm glad it's doing well, that bodes well for future projects

Well sure, no matter what anyone says there is still a Casting Couch. How much do you really want this role?