
But usually nudity is something the casting director will let you know up front, allowing you to chose to audition for it


Oh come on. Where do you think we are? Monterey, Jack?

It's been a while since I did any professional acting or auditioning, but usually any notice is upfront with what is expected of the role, saying things like "Must be in physical shape" or "Must be comfortable with nudity." So this tells me that we have producers pushing their power and overreaching their bounds.

That's what I was thinking. I mean that picture is certainly attractive, but if you didn't tell me it was Lohan I never would have guessed.

*vomits in mouth*

He has the right to not be touched by anyone no matter how much the other person insists or likes them. I don't see a problem with this. I don't want to be hugged by people I don't know either

Well, I am a fan

The commercials are terrible for it.
"You can't make this stuff up!"

2 seconds later
"You really can't make this up!"

I mean you really can't. You can try. You can try really hard, but such a scenario just can't be created by your imagination!

It's also pretty tame. Like Skinamax level.

I mean uh… that's what I heard!

Stay in school kids.

Right. You would think shower sex would be hot, until you can't keep from slipping in the tub

That sadly makes sense

I had heard that Rachel McAdams was up for Sue. I don't understand why that didn't happen. Then you'd have 3/4s of a good cast

I'm a child of the 70s and 80s and he was my Batman. When I was an itty bitty, my mother made me a Batman cape to play in because I loved loved loved this show. This is very sad.

I thought it worked

Not as far as I can tell. I think they use for some shots, but mostly it looks lime a real live baby

They're okay. They have a certain detachment, but I don't know if that's directed or just them. the baby is cute

I have to say I agree. It's visually stunning in a way that looks nothing like the other sections of the MCU (Guardians, Asgard, and Strange's multiverse all look different)

I really liked it. Warburton is the show's MVP. His delivery of the LS's narration is what really makes the show for me