
Really digging the show so far and psyched to see these additions!

Maybe I am showing my age, but I remember the first issue of "Who is Wilddog?" was a free giveaway at comic book stores. We're talking about 30 years ago. So I was kind of jazzed to see the character pop up here.

Last season had a lot of dangling threads resolved with characters returning and then dying Osha, Rickon, Blackfish They really set out to streamline the plot

One of the reasons that Belle decided on her new exercise regime was because she was in Target one day with her red hair pulled up and wearing a red sweater, when a three year old saw her and yelled "Mrs. Santa!"

Right now I am also going through Season 5 of Arrow, Season 3 of Flash and season 2 of LOT and Supergirl (trying to watch them in some kind of suggested order that I found online) and I am finding LOT a lot of fun

What I like about the near future tech in Minority Report is that it seems not exactly THAT far-fetched. The like it all seems possible within one generation

I think that's where I first saw her and developed in instant crush on her

I met 39 when he was filming a bit in Times Square in the winter and came into the restaurant between takes because it was so cold. I was working the host stand and he joked that we should trade jobs because it was so cold. Friendly and funny. Great guy.

I thought because they were walking single file to hide their numbers

Also they go nuts for Cooooooooooooooookie Crisp

Pennsylvania, huh? Right under Milton Hershey's nose.

The fabric cutter at Joanne's was very excited to tell me that they had a new pattern in that if I wanted to make it out of Black Leather then it would be the coat for Hook. I just nodded and smiled

No one else could be Harold Hill. He was perfect

I've done that show twice now. Strohman's choreography is crazy and fun!

I was just watching one of her GOT episodes last night. She's the Dosh Khaleen who helps Dany and co. block the doors so she can pull a Carrie White on them

You have to remember Downey was almost impossible to insure at the time due to his past with substance abuses. Downey's career completely turned around after the one two punch of Tropic Thunder and Iron Man

Maybe he's off with Sailor Sam looking for that band

Oh shit. I forgot he's our Senator still

I assume you meant "waist". A towel around waste is another thing altogether

Pulling a Winnie-the-Pooh, huh?