
Yes, it was Theon

Angelique on Penny Dreadful was rather hung

Well I was thinking there was a sequence in Penny Dreadful where Dorian was proning his boyfriend and while no peen was seen it was still pretty fan-service

The night is dark and full of Milhouse.

Fitness: this week I added another minute to my running set so now it's even: five minutes walking and five minutes running for thirty minutes. I couldn't have done that two months ago. I find that adding the next minute this week was easier than in earlier weeks. At this rate I'll be running the whole time by July 10

Let's start off my saying that the TV theme is my jam.

For you or for her? :)

Tomorrow night I am on my own. Belle had a reflux reaction to tomato sauce some months back so she hasn't been in the mood for anything like that. Tomorrow I am making a big fucking plate of spaghetti.

Oh yes, Ross became such an unlikeable asshole as the show went on

I have to second this

I think they way she was described in Gone Girl fits her perfectly.

Okay, well I think we're done here. Bye.

Well as Duke Leto once said, "Damn the spice."

Well they'd have us in the sex dungeons, right? That would be cool

okay, that funny

That happens to me when I have decent tan. (Not a joke, searched three times at airports in one day)


Everyone's a Republican until they get sick.

You know this is a case where you really can't judge a book by its cover. Cute on the outside. Disgusting inside. I can just picturing myself somewhere, meeting her, talking to her and then she says something, "So those Muslims…" and then I realized I just wasted twenty minutes talking to a horrible human being.

Why are you so focused on Larson's looks? That's a bit shallow.