
Okay, slugger. Dial down the hyperbole for a second. It was good, but lets not go full Manimal, okay?

It had the daunting task of including everything that the other characters said about what she said and did for the last week of her life and have to justify anything they threw in the second season. (Oh the shut in that we didn't see in season one! Oh the double secret diary! Oh she jumps off the bike at this moment

It's going to be heartbreaking when He comes back as an ice zombie

Every time I hear this title, I imagine God just letting out a long sigh, and then "What? What now?"

Just the other day I was standing at the pool bar at Disney trying to get a margarita and a mosquito made a feast of my ankles while I was trying to remember my pin number. So pretty easy.

That's saying quite a bit. I thought it was good, with some script flaws that could have been fleshed out.

I have to say What I like about this video is that it shows how varied you can interpret the characters for different levels of maturity. You can have a real kid-friendly version or a more ultra-violent version and anything in between. I still think the WW stand alone animated movie was the best one they put out (and

Having black friends doesn't give me a pass on anything. If anything it should make one more aware

I like where you're going with this

You know, that's just it. He knew what he was saying when he said it, and he knew (or should have known) what reaction it was going to get

Well he is weaponized Whitness

I can't open that here at work. I'm sure it will either amuse me or piss me off

As a Penn State alum who was there during the Paterno years, this devastated me. Imagine finding out someone you respected for years did something like this. This broke my heart. I won't be watching this. He made me so mad and ashamed of my school. For the record the other alumni that I am in touch with also condemn

Penn State alum here. Just want to say I do not feel that way at all

Toss him a nerf ball, see if he flinches

Just when you think it can't get any lower

You know I haven't heard much about preproduction on Captain Marvel. Other than naming director and casting Larson. I am wondering if they were waiting to see how Wonder Woman was going to do before they committed. I mean as a Marvel fan, I HOPE that's not the case, and I really want to see Carol on the big screen,

Same. Wonder Woman

Saw Wonder Woman and auditioned for The Producers

I just started watching season two and I can't agree with you more.