
It was a superhero weekend. Saturday we spent the day inside. Belle finally watched Doctor Strange and really liked it. I think it holds up to repeat viewings. Still visually stunning.

Was I the only one hoping that Chief would be Apache Chief? Like when he says that he'll send a signal, then you see his massive head rising through the trees?

I felt her costume was perfect, it looked like armor rather than a swimsuit and go go boots

Which I think can be a trap going forward. If she's so powerful at the end of this movie then you find it hard to believe she can be defeated or you have to find a way to depower her. (Examples: why can't the transporter fix the Enterprise every time? Why don't they bring Quicksilver with them to Paris? How come my

It looked good. That's why you spend the money to shoot on location

(My grandpa, sadly)

That's what Belle said, when they went into the bar, she was waiting to see Dum Dum Dugan in there, and they sort if got him.

I felt the bad guys weren't specific enough, and I feel that they didn't flesh out some of the notions they started. I liked it better than my girlfriend, who felt it was an inferior copy of Cap (and she was more hyped for it than me)

I completely agree

DC used to do the animated movies really well, but the last few have been terrible

Like when you're playing baseball in the street and have to have a time out because there's a car coming

But I would say that it was really the beginning of the Independent Film renaissance of the 90s that Miramax was the spearhead for. There were so many other films that came out of that mold in that decade that I find it odd to think about a film that literally changed the industry overnight as a "cult" film.

Me too. I waited until it was on HBO

I wouldn't consider it a cult movie at all. I was around at the time and everyone was talking about it and everyone was seeing it. It was too popular at the time of release to be considered a cult movie. It immediately became part of the zeitgeist

Bonnie Belle died in Atlanta. Papa O'Hara died at Tara (hey that rhymed!)

I was 17 and EVERYONE was talking about it

I did see it in 1985. I was 12. And when that Delorean hit 88 at the end, you really did see some serious shit.

I watched it from the beginning, but Belle thought it was "pretty people on an island." It wasn't until she caught it in the second season that she became hooked

My friend got me into it during Season Three. His pitch was: Two hot girls fighting the funniest villain ever.

I saw that movie four times in the theatre. I've never just gone and watched a movie over and over again. except for that