
One of the things that drives me nuts in movies is when a character is shot, and the bullet hits him/her in the shoulder and they get up, in pain, but continue on and continue to use that arm.

You mean over Macho Grande…

I think that's the most specific question I have ever been asked.

Although I was on the swim team in high school and used to look good in those tiny swim suits, the answer is no. No, I have never been on the Olympic Swim Team

I mean sure an island of woman probably wouldn't be concerned with body hair, but that would also mean they wouldn't shave their legs either, and I can't imagine them doing a film where all the women's legs looked like the outtakes from King Kong, at least not here in America

Hair or lack thereof?

I unashamedly love How to Marry a Millionaire

That's what happened to me watching it. I couldn't think fast enough

I've been saying that for years. If you think of someone like Kevin Fiege as a showrunner rather than a producer, it makes sense. This is why auteurs like Edgar Wright chafe under the system because they're not making individual movies they're making double length episodes of an HBO show

Or maybe, just maybe, her weight doesn't really matter

And I think it would be an easy thing to but Shulkie in the MCU. When Ruffalo's contract is about to expire, you have him visit his cousin, the attack happens and Bruce has to do the emergency blood transfusion. I'm not sure what the rights situation is but I bet the rights for Shulkie aren't nearly as complicated as

Me too!

Blocking him is just easier and less of a chore to have to read through his moronic posts every time a Marvel or DC property is featured

Well now that's quite the clever tricky plan there. let's see if it pans out…

(he's clear)

I had a roommate that was pretty cool until I mentioned wanting to see Schindler's List, and then he goes off saying how so many Gypsies, Catholics and homosexuals were also killed in the Holocaust, "But you never hear them complaining about it, Just the Jews." He went on how the Jews were milking the tragedy for all

Did we learn anything from Space Jam? To quote Bill Murray, "Larry's not white. Larry's clear."

Seventeen year old me was this close to calling the cable company and complaining that they screwed up and started the episode over again. I mean they blew up the Enterprise! What happened?

And Bones finally gets the last word

That's a fun opening. He can't get through four bars of music and he gets more and more irritated each time

I was hoping someone was going to mention it. I mean "Inner Light" is great, but "Visitor" makes me weep