
I like the mix of “incognito” and “look at me”

It is literally an alternative to eating meat.

How is he still hungry after eating all those bananas?

I was unaware that you were being forced to eat Impossible Burgers. How does that work, exactly?

Maybe he was trapped in the closet.

I 100% agree with Tim Gunn and want to go to Red Lobster with him and Andre.  Speaking of, where’s Andre? (One of the finest few moments in reality tv history)

You either die the hero or live to become the villain.

It’d be amusing because how the Lannisters came in existence due to Lann The Clever. All his stories sound like something Bronn would do. Right down to the Maesters version of Lann basically seducing the Casterly’s daughters and impregnating them.

You, my friend, would be very wrong. Steve flew through the Tanner family home with his jet pack, helped Stephanie out with her boy/girl dance and taught them how to do the Urkel and bonded with Michelle

They did! Urkel was on full house. 

But then you’d just end up with a Brontësaurus. 

sweets and treats

To be honest, I don’t have strong feelings about this either way. So here’s a dog balancing on a chain.

There needs to be a bachelor-type show where marketing chiefs from each domestic beer company all compete to be people’s favorite beer - with new target beer drinkers each week. All the delicious (well, refreshing) drama! People like watching famous people suffer through hot wings, why not cheap beer?

Likely Trump response:


We don’t need to legislate a solution here.  We should just arm the teachers with their own pellet guns.

I PRAY for the k8nd, sweet death pets have had: at-home euthanasia in the quiet of their own home, dozing in their fave spot, surrounded by people who love them after being spoiled rotten in their last weeks. Yes, please, find me a future caretaker who gives me that death. I cannot think of a better way to go.

About a decade ago my mom, in a burst of nostalgia, took our whole family to Disney World a few years ago.

Typical Redshirt.