A mod is currently in development to bring RE2 and RE3 remakes to vr. This is the same engine as 7/8 I believe, so PCVR seems likely for those titles in the future.
A mod is currently in development to bring RE2 and RE3 remakes to vr. This is the same engine as 7/8 I believe, so PCVR seems likely for those titles in the future.
As a non fanboy of any company (that isn’t worker owned), I’d like to weigh in. I don’t think the harm done to Unreal Developers who own macs is insubstantial. I think Epic approached this fight in an irresponsible way, but I don’t think Apple is blameless either. There are other ways they could have retaliated, and…
We’re in an age where they could have chosen to replicate the graphics from the show. Cel shading has come such a long way, and if you pair it with carefully tuned shaders and high modern, high poly models, you could match Genndy’s style pretty reasonably...
Instead they made Jack look like a funko pop. 🤮
aw man, so close. you can stop her from healing by smacking her. you just gotta be fast.
This sounds crazy but check to see what mode your TV is in. I had this problem, then I realized someone switched my TV off game mode. I put it back, and noticed my reaction times improved immensely.
Okay, let’s look at it pragmatically. Absent of morals, killing people can accomplish all sorts of things. Raping people can accomplish much fewer things.
No one is going to take you seriously if you type in all caps like that. It comes across as facetious, and nobody got time to unpack that. Do a better job at communicating and stop acting like a child. If you have a point, shit or get off the pot.
Lol squabbling over whether they could, without thinking about whether they should. If there’s no good way to make him look like he’s “from our world” then don’t make him “from our world”
This looks like an amazing thing that may not kill my Surface Go battery. Thanks so much!
Came here to say this. Not just gameplay, but to make the transitions easier. The faster he’s in the cooldown stage of an animation, the easier it is to blend into a new one. I understand why they do it, but seeing it still bugs me. It’s like. I wish for a world where blending is so smart that devs don’t need to do…
My PS4 is basically a bloodborne machine, and I’m okay with that.
Indeed. Until procedural level design matures, or developers have enough time to create interesting algorithms that don’t feel repetitive, it’s best that games stick with good old fashioned level design. Especially considering the vibe this game is going for. This is a day one buy for me, with the one caveat that it’s…
I’ll be playing the fuck out of this on my Surface Go on lunch breaks. :D
Like Katamari lite
Just discovered that Drew Magary writes for deadspin. Instafollow.
I’m excited but also worried about this. If it’s anything like LBP, the levels will be locked into their service. Meaning when the servers go down, your creations disappear forever.
What is 30 seconds of initial awkwardness in the scheme of things? I use my 8bitdo controller every day with my phone, and it’s no less awkward than picking up my ps4 controller at home.
Or smaller, more full worlds, like Nier Automata, Dark Souls, or metroid prime.