To be fair, most androids can handle animal crossing wild world these days. And some can even run the Gamecube and Wii version okay (snapdragon 835 ought to do it)
To be fair, most androids can handle animal crossing wild world these days. And some can even run the Gamecube and Wii version okay (snapdragon 835 ought to do it)
That’s sunken cost fallacy at play dude. You just gotta walk away.
Hey now, what did those goal posts ever do to you?
It’s possible. They did technically do it with some psOne games (ape escape for example).
Not necessarily true. There’s a vanilla map in Doom II specifically designed around getting 2 bosses (of different tribes) to fight each other.
Honestly, buying a console for a game that doesn’t have a release date seems like a pretty dumb decision.
Ninja theory has always been on top of their game when it comes to facial animation. Glad to see they’re still leading the pack as it were. Naughty dog does some amazing hand keyed animation, but this is just next level
Ninja theory has always been on top of their game when it comes to facial animation. Glad to see they're still leading the pack as it were. Naughty dog does some amazing hand keyed animation, but this is just next level
Pretty much the only way I could play this type of game. I can never get into sim type games on my laptop, but it's all I play on my iPhone.
I’m confused. Didn't they already meet in the Spider Men crossover?
This is clearly the result of a huge communication breakdown between the event staff and valve. Not to mention all the technical issues and weird budget decisions. They really need some kind of manager /organizer /liaison to avoid these kinds of issues in the future.
Bendis gets a lot of hate, but damn if he can't write good characters
The point of the moon rocks is that moon dust is so fine that it makes the surface smooth/flawless enough that you’d have the level of contact needed to make a successful portal. Most of the crap Chel shot portals on would definitely have not worked in canon.
Can’t tell if sarcasm. You literally just described what's broken about her.
/r/patientgamers awaits you
You’re not fooling anyone, Tobey! We all know it’s you.
I think it speaks more to the talent of the artist more than whether something is suited to one style or another.
Note: on Windows, you can right click the wifi icon on the task bar and open network settings, right click on the current connection and go to properties, then go to the security tab and click “show password”.
Forty four gems! That’s more than four tens! And that's terrible!