
Maybe I’m preaching to the wrong crowd I have no idea... But I am a 32 year old male dude who watches sports. Shouldn’t I be right smack in the middle of Barstool’s wheelhouse?

A football team is NOT a Ranger battalion. Do NOT compare the two.

Ben Roethlisberger introduced the players’ three choices

Hush you. You should know that logic is not permitted here.

I’d really like to see the breakdown between automation and human effort in that productivity rocket. I’m willing to bet that timeline coincides nicely with increased automation rather than a dramatic uptick in human productivity.

You see that left thumb over there? That’s what Charlie Sheen’s dick looks like before his intensive moisturizing/simonizing regimen.

come on, buddy. I’m a huge yankees fan, but like, don’t be that guy.

This fucking guy. I’ve always wondered how Yankee fans can count to 27, since they usually only have 20 fingers and toes.

Yet still so insecure.

Im more curious what about this took months of preparation and 100's of hours to set up?

This comment started off good in the beginning, but just went a bit too far.

I haven’t seen an owner act this entitled toward a player since Marge Schott.

Some of my extended family live in a partially flooded area of Houston. An area where it only got about 1'-0" of water and then receded. They went back home yesterday to find there house had been robbed of TVs, appliances, and a dirt bike.

I just... don’t understand. Is looting seriously okay? I’m truly fucking mind blown here. What is happening? Its like that white/blue/black/gold dress all over again. Is there a joke I’m missing here? What the fuck?


Hey look. A proper leftist response.

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Did we see them die? If so, I’m gonna assume they’re still alive.

They won’t play in their own stadium in Agdam. Rather, they’re playing across the country in Baku. The people of the region forced out are known as Internally Displaced People and have been relocated throughout the country. It is a long and sad story, not unique among war-torn regions. The President will likely use

Qualifying for the UCL is good way to get people to Qarabout your team.