Steve (Harrington) with the Good Hair

My boobs hurt just looking at the pictures.

I can’t wait to hear all the usual suspects on the “Christian” right to object to feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, showing mercy to the criminal, and aiding the widowed and the orphaned. I’m sure the U.S. being a “Christian country” will continue to just mean being anti-abortion (something the Bible never

Vaping is so annoying, people seem not to think they need to have any consideration for the people around them and blow gross fruity clouds all over everyone.  I wish this trend would die.

OK, they should stop that. Rude. 

no people vape indoors all the time, its gross

Seriously, Warren is now leading in polls in Iowa, New Hampshire, and California. The surge is happening people! Voters are finally paying attention and are coming home to Elizabeth Warren.

Surprised no one is mentioning how Middleditch convinced his ex-girlfriend to get breast implants or he would dump her, and he dumped her anyway. That guy is an A-1 manipulative asshole.

...weird dude from Silicon Valley...

Totally agree. Reminds me of the idea that people would vote for Bush the Lesser because they “could have a beer with him” - I don’t want a president I’m comfortable having a beer with.  I want a president so intelligent, with such a grasp of the issues, that I’m terrified I’ll say something stupid in their presence

“I like what she had to say, but I still think she’s—sorry—a bitch,” said a 56-year-old Trump supporter.

“I like what she had to say, but I still think she’s—sorry—a bitch,” said a 56-year-old Trump supporter.”

Brad Pitt also didn’t cure cancer while confronting Harvey.  What an asshole. 

I’m still surprised when I’m reminded that Warren is 70. Woman does not look or act 70. I wish I had as much energy and I’m 29.

Yeah, that definitely could have been phrased/discussed better. Because while yes, body positivity should be for everyone, there are some genuine critiques about how the movement is being co-opted. However, the co-opting is not coming from skinny people trying to accept themselves, it’s coming from the diet industry

Honestly, as someone who’s had issues with this in the past (haha, who hasn’t?), moving from “you need to love yourself!” to “things are fine.” was a really, really good switch. I’m fine. I don’t need to love my body or whatever, just accept it and treat it well. And having a therapist who let me set that goal (“I

“has been co-opted recently by women of totally socially-acceptable, skinny shapes and sizes who think the movement is just for anyone who feels good or wants to show off their armpit hair”...You guys know that Jameela has a history of eating disorders since childhood, right? And that she was severely fat-shamed by

Fellow preggo here, 38 days til delivery. Solidarity, homey. I’m so fucking miserable (the heartburn, the contractions, the nausea that did NOT abate after my first trimester, the moods, the exhaustion, the “mask of pregnancy,” the tearfulness, the 50 POUNDS of weight gain, the insomnia, the totally unsatisfying

I’m a stomach sleeper and if I’m ever pregnant, I honestly don’t know what I’ll do. 

I think this is a good trend, as hair can dull guillotine blades. 

I’m sure whichever dentist with a racehorse fetish who glued those into her mouth told her it would make her mouth look bigger.