Steve (Harrington) with the Good Hair

I was wondering what their ranking was, but still how is Antoni not dead last? Being pretty isn’t enough and Tan is actually an excellent stylist/fashion adviser, and I think he’s charming and lovely. Antoni is basically a pretty mascot. 

Just so I’m clear: you think my friends are domestic abusers/criminals? Seriously that’s your argument? That they can’t pass a background check?

The background checks to legally carry a firearm are about 10 times more intensive than the checks to buy a firearm.

when she is dead

of the Target Mossimos”

Was it when he invited her to meet him in a hotel room and had another “model” there that he wanted her to role play with for him and then Cara said no but I know how to sing like a bird and whistled her way back to the door and left like a bad as mofo?

Funny, they told me the opposite if i stopped holding my Marvel Comics in public i might get a girlfriend.

I truly feel for her because there is no good way to respond to national press reports that your fat buffoon of a father supposedly doesn’t want to take pictures with you because he thinks you’re overweight. Sure it’d be awesome for her to reply with “Hey pot, looking in the mirror!” but as I’m confident he’s paying

I’m a huge grammar nerd but this is unnecessary. In this case it’s more important to listen to what he has in his heart than to make classist comments about how he got his message across. It’s a screenshot of the Notes app, posted to Instagram. He’s not submitting a statement to Congress.

Sometimes it’s tough to figure out how bad an ED has gotten, especially as kids get older and can hide it more. In societies where it’s pretty rare to experience malnutrition related damage due to the sheer variety of foods available, it’s simply not considered right off, especially by laypeople without medical

I think studies have shown that forcing kids with ARFID to eat foods that they can’t tolerate only makes the condition worse.

See I still don’t care for the Biebs, his aesthetic and whatnot, but that doesn’t really matter. This is extremely respectable and very, very sharp of him. Kudos to his mental health team.

He was diagnosed with a psychological disorder. But I guess it’s not nearly as edgy to say “I wish he had gotten the help he needed.”

I have this condition. It’s a common symptom of autism, as in my case. I hope this boy can find a way to cope with his condition and I hope he gets tested for autism.

The fact the law firm represented USC in the past shouldn’t really be an issue for them, considering the rules of ethical walls and the likelihood it was completely unrelated. It’s common.

So...something that’s been at the bottom of the sea for 107 years is deteriorating?

Haven’t we already seen this movie? With all these people?

When vapes first came out, I had a co-worker who would vape while at work, at her desk, at other people’s desks. And she was not young, She as an older long time smoker who decided vaping was the answer to work. After a few months they came out with a new policy saying you can’t vape at work. The flavored vapes smell

I come from a family of 5 females and I had no idea anyone ever did this until I read the Halle article! Bras are frickin’ uncomfortable, why would anyone voluntarily sleep with one on? But to each her own.