Steve (Harrington) with the Good Hair

As John Green said:

take his gun away.

I just read a letter from some guy in my hometown saying that people who don’t have children in school should get 2/3 of their taxes back.  I’ve never had children, but I’m happy to contribute to good schools.  These current children will be taking care of me some day.  I want them to be well-educated, empathetic, and

Referring to a letter received by a mother who owed $75, he told WNEP, ““Where did that $75 go? Is it going to cigarettes? Is it going to alcohol? We don’t know. That’s right, we don’t know that,” he said.

As if reducing African slaves, human fucking beings, down to just units of labor under the scope of economics isn’t racist on its face.

“Owning slaves wasn’t a decision predicated on race but on economics. It’s a business decision.”

It’s true, I’ve been in the court system & have had FEMALE judges just be down right flippant & dismissive to me. One said “well this isn’t really fair is it? We’re having a hearing and he’s not even here to defend himself” it was a PFA case, he had beaten me for the last time & after 18 yrs of it my daughter gave me

🙋🏼‍♀️ dear candidates, I have tons of white privilege, I do not need you to pander to me, I will vote for literally anyone who is not Trump. Ideally I would like to live in a more just society, but it is not literally a matter of life or death for me, maybe focus on those for whom it is.

“Came from a good family” seems like an aggravating circumstance, not a mitigating one.  If you grew up suffering sexual abuse in an orphanage and then commit a sex crime, I can see a judge taking that into account.  If you grew up in a “good family” with all possible advantages, what’s your excuse? 

These scum bag judges need to have all of their cases reviewed and their pensions delayed. Statements like those leave no question that their qualifications bare scrutiny.

That is extremely fucking depressing but also not at all surprising. God, I hope we get a viable candidate this time around.

Eh, I’m nor sure that these white women matter as much as they/we think they do. As Michael Harriot wrote earlier this month,

I’ve long wondered if part of the issue is the term “privilege.” It makes folks think of being “privileged,” which sounds like being wealthy, which isn’t what’s really meant. What’s meant is stuff like “you have the privilege of ignoring race, or saying you do, when you feel like it.” And “you are less likely,

I look forward to his hologram resuming his old position.  

When asked to respond to the multiple complaints at all levels of government about his behavior, Foxhaven said simply “only god can judge me.”

At least one employee complained to legislators about his obsession

They’re going to keep releasing laws under his name for the next several years, working from his old studio material.

He was let go because he’s the only guy in Iowa with a personality

Not to defend the governor here, but Foxhoven was often described by his colleagues as “Makavelian.”

Nah, he didn’t actually resign, he’s just working remotely from Malaysia.