“Don’t take our guns that we need to fight against the government we love that’s going to come take our guns!”
“Don’t take our guns that we need to fight against the government we love that’s going to come take our guns!”
the lady who represented them is my neighbor, I’m proud of her.
Seriously fuck anyone who thinks criticism of your country means you don’t love your country. Same assholes who question the patriotism of anyone who questions American foreign policy (Iraq War, Drones, Israel, Saudi Arabia) are the ones wearing MAGA hats.
My brain overheats when there’s a discussion about employment rate that doesn’t include the impact of gig work. All I can think: yes, people are working but, is it work that’s humane? A hot economy is no good if it’s built on the back of working every day and sleep deprivation for tips.
Universal health care.
Yeah this culture of conviction by allegation is really troubling, what with all those tens of thousands of men currently sitting in prison based on nothing but a mere allegation of sexual assault!
Good, it’s about time we outlaw everything related to women’s health, once we start referring to the reproductive rights and organs of women as "female mystery boxes" our country will truly be great again! /s obviously
And Lil’ Ben gets funded by hard-right advocacy organizations because he’s an outspoken racist fascist with a large Twitter following. So what’s his beef exactly?
“...and maybe as the chips in chocolate chip cookies. Maybe.
Really fun read, but I’m not surprised it was a disappointing experience.
“In the end, Epstein served a little over a year in jail, with the ability to leave and work out of his own office six days a week.”
Ah. Yes. That is what we in the business world like to call “complete and utter bullshit.”
As an outsider, non US citizen, Joe seems so harmless and “nice”.
Without knowing his political alignment, you think he’s just a slightly goofy, jovial, sympthatic, good kind of guy. And you might be inclied to brush his unfortunate statements as gaffes, like he just doesn’t have the precise vocabulary needed to…
I suspect by the time the primary is here that Biden will have dropped out. Too many of the new guard Democrats are clearly smarter and more articulate than he has become.
Biden is just like my parents, who are 70. They were radicals in the late 60s and 70s, but now they come off as tone deaf at best on a lot of issues. Time to retire, Joe.
Boeing oughta rename the 737 MAX 8 the 737 Biden in honor of how fast his campaign has crashed after takeoff.
Oh, so it’s OK when you call the server gay, but when I do it, I get called into HR for yet another “talk?”
It’s “gay server” thanks. Get with the times...
I check every day, just to try to identify the narrative.