Steve (Harrington) with the Good Hair

That’s the part I appreciate most about this.  I’ve never seen any of those clothes outside of early photographs/paintings.  Seeing them come to life like that has a timewarp quality to it, and makes those time periods seem less abstract, if that makes any sense?  Like when you see early colour photographs and

Gabbard’s first question was about the gender wage gap and her entire response was about her own military service and didn’t resemble a response to the question. All I really needed to see about her last night.

I’d initially thought a Warren|Harris ticket would be my dream one of the candidates, but a Warren|Castro ticket would be strong, too. (Mind subject to change 24 hours from now.)

While Warren arguably received the lion’s share of the speaking time on the debate stage

Slightly of the topic. Can’t help myself... 

It’s funny how this one soundbite of Pinoe’s has been popping up nonstop when she gave this interview at least a month or two ago. This is old news at this point! Alex Morgan declined to go, too. That’s 2/3rds of the captains. If I had to guess, only a handful would take the guy up on any potential offer, but this

Rapinoe is great. She is insanely talented, politically active, incredibly fashionable and effortlessly cool! 

Yeah, no way they’d get invited to the WH. Trump thinks soccer is for the furriners. And the women...are not his type (the type he likes to rape\molest)

Poor Eric. He’s not used to such direct action. Usually people just spit in his food\drinks.

Can I ask what exactly happens at a 3 day wedding party/retreat?

That is what they’re turning to, now. Originally, it was that vaccines themselves made money, and doctor’s pushed them because they got kickbacks to. Paul Offit was repeatedly accused of cashing in because he helped invent a rotavirus vaccine (the newer one, not the one that was taken off the market because a couple

It’s strictly a coincidence that the Polio vaccine innoculations and Ray Kroc’s aquisition of McDonald’s happened around the same period in time. Note that the number of reported cases of Polio dropped year by year as the number of McDonald’s outlets multiplied almost exponentially. So-called “scientists” and

It’s absolutely amazing to me that living in a world where there has never been greater access to knowledge and scientific research is making so many people even more stupid and less educated than they would be without that access.

Yeah, I don’t get a period on my IUD but still have some PMS-lite symptoms. This was just different.

Now playing

Behold: The Holy Grail of Early 21st Century Masculine Advertising:

“Still waiting on those male bc trials.”

I’m addicted to controlling my own body in order to pursue my chosen career!

Oh hell yeah. That’s dangerous as hell (as is the weird connection of suffering and creativity). People who create utopian visions of life without medical choices really don’t remember, or care, about the millennia of suffering that preceded these choices. People weren’t happier before modern medicine—they were