He’s up to his ears in ass. He’s probably booked solid until 2083.
He’s up to his ears in ass. He’s probably booked solid until 2083.
I will eat my fucking hat if the number of people owning Airpods and fucking in them is actually 17%. That’s definitely a fake fucking study.
Both of these ingredients have their uses. I am never going to make aioli with garlic powder, but for a spice rub I am on board.
Garlic powder is great and has its uses, but to me it tastes completely different from fresh garlic. I basically consider them 2 unrelated ingredients.
Is the United Kingdom finally going to ban Piers Morgan then? Because I'm down with that.
I hope nobody ever treats Trump like Lincoln. Or Kennedy for that matter. Certainly I hope nobody out there is thinking of treating him that badly. Please, nobody ever treat him like that.....
Has Kondo even said she created this method. If you think about it’s folding fucking cloth. I bet tons of people have invented this method all over the world and thought they were the first to make it. So what.
Deja vu for me. I told everyone I knew that Trump is America’s version of Berlusconi, but did anyone listen? Nope.
I think they will. She comes across as very authentic and her policies are designed to work for all of us. In the end, most people are only concerned about being able to provide for themselves, and their families. Warren’s platform of making America work for all Americans will appeal to those disgruntled Trump voters.…
Well, when he explains it like that...how can you not agree that he needs intensive psychiatric care?
He was polling under whatever % among people who didn’t have their heads in firm anal defilade, asshole clowns like Trump will always poll high with racists, cowards and rich people who don’t give a fuck about anything but themselves.
If you look at the polling, about 12 of the democrats running are whipping Trump. I think Deez Nutz is 5 ahead right now
Ha! Greetings. :)
Five years ago, when California was deep in its “fiscal crises,” the Public Health Department unofficially shut down the vaccination program. “The budget was spent!”, you see. I Monterey County the local office didn’t even return phone calls. I tried for three weeks to get through, using all the tricks I mastered in…
Oh, for the love of God. The fact that some people don’t develop antibodies to a particular shot doesn’t mean the shot is ineffective. It’s just the nature of vaccines. And those people *rely* on others’ immunity to keep from getting sick!
Except that those two things are completely unrelated, and me getting an abortion does not put immunocompromised people in danger.
You can have legitimate vaccine injuries. The odds are slightly greater than getting struck by lightning. Still, absolutely worth the risk considering the risk of being handicapped or disabled or dead from polio, measles.......