Steve (Harrington) with the Good Hair

One of my co-workers was walking down a San Francisco street when she tripped and nearly fell into a row of motorcycles. In that weird time slowing thing that happens in crisis moments, imagining the wave of tumbling bikes as she fell, an arm reached in and caught her while the other hand grabbed the first bike.

Counterpoint: I do want to be touched by Keanu Reeves.

While he was filming The Replacements in Baltimore, Keanu Reeves and his trainer used the same gym as a friend. He was frequently there at the same time as her and my friend would play it cool when she would see him, but Keanu would usually initiate a friendly greeting. One day, something came over my friend and she

An outright fabrication? One that paints her in a bad light?

At least he’s putting his money where his mouth is...or at least wants to be.

He’s committed. I still don’t think he’s good.

Plus, not only did he agree to make fun of himself, when he was sent the “I punched Keanu Reeves” song for approval his only suggestion was to make it less an ode to himself and to instead emphasize the love song aspect.

Apparently he came up with the glasses with no lenses joke. "Dishes that play with time" had me rolling.

Perhaps not the most talented of actors but the man is a fucking treasure. Seriously, he must be one of the most genuinely humble and kind movie stars out there. Totally a fan girl but doesn’t change the facts - dude does good deeds and treats people well.

Which is I don’t understand Tom Cruise isn’t on this list.


Amy Adams should not be on this list and she should have won an Oscar for Enchanted!

Keanu’s best role until now was Neo.

she’s pretty great on social media

“We were both turning right” is a weird explanation if Tracey Morgan’s car is in the far right lane and you turn into him. I do NOT respect a 2 million dollar car, that purchase is nonsense, but if it were me and my shitty ass car in this situation I would also yell.

Hey, it takes white men a LOT of work to get to mediocre, okay?!?

Lorne Michaels is a perfectionist?  A perfectionist of what?  Mediocrity?

I would watch if Terry Crews played Aunt Becky.

Slipped on human poop and is recovering in the hospital.

Try Uber driver.