Steve (Harrington) with the Good Hair

What’s happening?

I don’t often say this about a politician, but the more I learn about her, the more I like Ocasio-Cortez. Seriously.

Good. I know some people in Georgia aren’t a huge fan of this boycott, but I also think it is irresponsible for a company to ask a large part of it’s workforce to work in a place where their medical issues won’t be taken seriously. The last thing an employee of Disney wants is to be worried that if she miscarries she

Many years ago, I read “advice” in Cosmo about how to make men care about childcare. The best approach? Tell your husband that being an involved father is attractive and sexy, his kids will love him for it, and they’ll be more likely to look up to him.

I mean, CA has two armpits. And calling Fresno the taint leaves no adequate word to describe Bakersfield.

Thank you!! There's some self hate in these threads that makes me sad. The beach and the pool are not just for young taut able bodies. Summer fun is for everyone who wants it, and we should all wear what we want and let others do the same!


The writer of the article notes how a Dolce & Gabbana model is the epitome of the look many are going for, and how the irony of a gay male fantasy being their idol is lost on them. 

Interestingly, I think this is a myth that the longer, original article works to dispel. The idea that fixing the outside will fix the inside isn’t really borne out in the men the author talks to. The increased confidence and increased validation from others only embitters them more because they think, “Oh sure, you

I’m just so sick of these guys whining about how “attractive” people get more positive attention. No shit. Welcome to the world. That’s shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone. What baffles me is their inability to see attractiveness as a package deal. Yeah, good looks are going to get you more swipes on Tinder or

I am regularly accused of lying about my age but no one has yet suggested that I’ve had surgery. I just have chubby baby cheeks. And I still don’t understand why I’d lie and say I’m *older*.

These are probably the guys sending 1000 unasked for dick pics a day, so they need those testes to look their bestes!

My second thought (the first being “dear god why?”) was: “which dinosaur....?”

I only have one condition about my man’s balls and it is Be Smaller Than Dinosaur Eggs Please.

“Incels also argue that women get similarly invasive procedures regularly and aren’t criticized.”

It occurs to me that incels aren’t even really incels. If they didn’t insist on getting sex from only the most beautiful women, they could probably get laid. I have never ever been a hot chick but I’ve also never ever had a problem getting laid. I’ve slept with Chads, and I’ve also slept with dudes who in no way

his appearance is the least of his problems

“In addition to the idea that women are petty sluts who only wish to ride a “cock carousel” of hot dudes” what world do women who get cosmetic surgery NOT get criticized? They’re still vilified for being high-maintenance and thots.

Fortunately, the unvaccinated children are easily spotted.