And the gap between the price of premium going up vs regular is astounding. Premium prices inflated dramatically despite the product, just regular gas with higher octane, not changing.
And the gap between the price of premium going up vs regular is astounding. Premium prices inflated dramatically despite the product, just regular gas with higher octane, not changing.
With the movement towards turbocharging, fuel efficiency, and performance being all critical engine design elements now, it was bound to happen sooner or later. The good news is these newer, more efficient engines should offset the increased price of fuel, however.
Yep, there’s a reason I stopped in Delaware for the night and not in Philly for my business trip to NYC. I knew.
Depends on what was contaminated and what is removed. After the incident, Soviet authorities created a massive clean-up effort using “liquidators”. Nearly all the radioactive material was caked on top of roofs and in the topsoil. So the liquidators using bulldozers and shovels (on the roofs) scooped up the…
You do not know de wae.
think the bigger problem is this little tiny 2.3L is trying to crank out a lot of HP and the head gaskets can’t handle it. Ford cranked up the boost pressure to 23 psi from 18 psi on the Mustang. That’s a significant amount more, and using the same head gasket is bound to cause issues.
Interesting that Borla has gone from making exhausts that just sound like louder straight piped cars to ones that actually might sound good and be worth the $1,200+
Tires are a part of it, as any muscle enthusiast will tell you that the tires are never good enough from the factory.
I mean she isn’t wrong though. I deal much better with customers that sound very middle class and white over the phone than “WEN DOYAH THINK U CAN HELP ME? I AINT GOT TIME TOMORRAH U NEEDA FIND TIME TODAY.”
Compared to some of the shit I’ve seen on school busses, this is one of the less dangerous things your kids would go through on one.
Patrick’s head is in the right place, but as a 4th-gen F-body owner, get an LS1 F-body, preferably a great condition WS6. Those actually are (usually) reliable, much faster, and much more badass unlike an old IROC.
Anyone who thinks it sucks (other than outward appearance) needs to hop in my father’s 09 2.5 Limited Sonata. This makes his car look like a fucking Geo Metro.
(1.) What does Trump mean? Who the Hell knows, I don’t think anyone actually knows what he means most of the time, even Trump himself.
I wonder if someone in the world is keeping a list of the death and destruction due to bean counters.
You know it’s getting ridiculous when conservative and liberal biased media are lying, omitting, and restructuring “news” as much as possible to try and sway your opinion.
BRZ’s are fun, I’ve been in one, but yeah the lack of pull when he got on the throttle was disappointing. I don’t care about the lack of power as much as the lack of torque. Yes, it’s a car made to go around corners, but very few people live on mountain roads.
Well considering CNN’s journalist integrity can be described as a wasteland, I think it’s quite fitting.
It was the biggest shock to me when I found out that wait, those girls actually DO know about the cars they’re posing for. I thought they were literally just hired to look pretty and add sex appeal to the car, but no, they’re more than a one trick pony.