
Having grown up mixed-race in the South, I have come to suspect that the Southern Friendliness (tm) that people sometimes refer to is really an outgrowth of that small-minded tribalism you mentioned. People in the South can be very welcoming toward strangers but only as long as they’re the right color. If they’re a

Hi, I live in Seattle and I hand-craft artisanal hatred for it.

I just moved to Palo Alto from NYC(although I grew up 2 hours north of SF) and it’s honestly very strange. Beautiful, but strange. I walked into an actual robot store on University Ave the other day. There were no people in the store, just robots, and one sales associate robot that greeted me and following me around

2 months ago I left my home state of New Hampshire for Massachusetts because of a job. Sure my hometown has tried to ban books, my representatives love to compare things to abortion for reasons that are both vague and mysterious, among other jacked up stupid things but it’s home.

Linebacker? Homely? Mkay, no.

Dangit. Are Kylie Jenner photos the new “The Dress”?

That's blackface.

Doooo iiiit. Sadly I’m at a point where my wife would assume I was going to make a spicy chicken salad...

Devil salad is eaten. Everything is okay again.

His wife had to apologize to Margret? Good grief.

If the guy is a lousy lay who’s done quickly, you sure CAN keep your hair that perfect!

I think you may want to re-evaluate your morals. Promoting anorexia is pretty much promoting suicide. It's horrifying.

Is it just me, or are the trolls in the Gawkerverse today weirder than normal? They’re not particularly vicious, which is a nice change of pace, but they’re weird, right?

What proportion of the models are naturally thinner than 18BMI, and still healthy? If the answer is few, then this measure might prevent a bunch of other models from practicing extreme dieting, and that makes this measure ok in my eyes.

Yeah, that is when I started screaming "OH, MOTHERFUCKER!" At the screen.

I thought I knew who Rita Ora is but apparently not because I did not recognize the lady in these pictures at all.

"I don't understand why women just don't TELL men they aren't interested."

Just more evidence that women don't have to fear retaliation for rejecting a man. OH WAIT?!?! Is this the kind of reaction women are afraid of? Still won't shut down the MRA's