
You wouldn’t believe how many Beyonce O’Briens are in the world.

The softer side of imperialism.

Maher would want to go into hiding. He has to no idea what’s in store for him. Hell hath no fury like a Directioner scorned.

“It’s the only religion that acts like the mafia that will fucking kill you if you say the wrong thing.”

“These are wannabe jihads that sort of have this, at least in their head, projection of importance of significance,” University of Massachusetts professor Mia Bloom told the AP. “They want to build a bomb but they don’t know how to do it.”

(SelmaJ is the new troll around here. Just so you know.)

I noticed this about South Africa as well. It’s like the friendliness and hospitality aimed at white people by other white people is directly proportional to the racism extended toward non-whites.

Ok, but I disagree slightly. I knew a lot of people growing up who were going to stick around and make things better by never leaving home. Grand, except that they didn’t really make much a difference. Instead, they just gradually grew more conservative as they grew older. The people who make the most difference to

Is this like the blue-black/white-gold dress thing? Because those photos don’t more silverface than blackface to me. (Silver Surfer and The Tin Man are going to be pissed.)

I’m going to ask Mr Grey if he wants Devil’s salad for dinner...

There’s a distinct undercurrent of sexual frustration running through this one:

Woah. He nearly took the bartender's head off with that first chair. Good thing she ducked in time.

Oh no! I really liked Paddington. The taxidermist chasing down a talking teddy bear was a nice touch. My only objection was that they whitewashed London.

Team Golden Girls, tho.

Don't you think Hollywood fosters a similar environment to an ivy league, but with more money and power involved?

I have to disagree. When I went from a "disadvantaged" school to an ivy league environment, the proportion of assholes in the surrounding population increased substantially.

I'm with you. I give cash at weddings. I received cash gifts at my own wedding. However, I did not feel entitled to gifts. We put aside money to feed and entertain our guests because we invited them to celebrate with us, not because we felt they owed us gifts. If I had to get married again and some friends and family

Keep the abuse coming. You're totally proving something.

They're jealous while simultaneously hating those damn sluts while simultaneously getting off on watching footage of those damn sluts.

I always picked up an extra job over spring break and just worked around the clock, then quit when break ended.