
I stopped reading your posts after the first one, except for scanning the first line as it comes up in my feed. And yet, you just keep on sending them...

Settle down, sugar. You're in a tizzy.

Don't worry, sweetie. When you get to the third year of your studies, you'll understand all the contradictions in your responses.

I enjoyed reading the other responses, but yours are shit. How are you expecting a meaningful response when all you dish out is shit and faux-expertise. It's interesting to see the many interpretations of MWI being shared by commenters side by side, but you mistakenly seem to think there is only one interpretation.

You are talking trash, though. Hence why your responses suck.

Your response sucks.

It seems to me it's a contradiction that makes the possibility of an infinite number of worlds impossible.

Logically, couldn't there also be a universe or where other universes don't exist?

It's funny hearing such advice from an obvious troll. Again, it's clear that you are projecting. So do you want to talk about why nobody wants to be near you? It clearly upsets you or else you wouldn't be trying to project that onto internet strangers.

Cordial? lol. Who gives a shit about being cordial? Clearly not you, unless you are thick enough to believe that you can be sexist and polite at the same time. (You probably are.)

That a person told you to fuck off doesn't indicate that the person is emotional, though. You're probably just projecting, so why don't you calm down and stop being hysterical? ;) ;) ;)

Yeah. Gas companies in my country actually mention in their TV ads that they add something to make it smell so that you can smell if there's a leak and notify the company. But whatever. Dudebro thinks he just scored some points for his quick wit. If he had been there, he'd be like, "You can't smell CO2. I'm just

This dude is trying to pick his nose and eat it while her back is turned.

First it was under-30s, but then the tour director turned 30 and it was moved up to under-31s. Then when he turned 31, it was moved to under-32s, etc. By the time he retired, it was the under-65s and the over-65s.

Only one day in Kerry? Rip off.

How do they know that it's coke? She could very well have been snorting ritalin.

Even if that was true (doubtful), think of it this way: How do new strains of viruses come about? Answer: They need a vector in order to evolve. Where do they find enough vectors to evolve new strains? Answer: In a population that has lost its herd immunity because a load of dumb shits stopped vaccinating their kids.

My only regret is that Samuel Beckett didn't live long enough to come across this suggestion for his next play.

Yes. Let us all suggest reds that are nicer than this Kat VD thing.