
These pants are really cramping his style. And by "style," I mean "genitals."

Her tears washed away some of her fake tan.

It seriously felt like a rubber band snapping directly against my brain.

"Must one spend an entire year ignoring great books by white men in order to be a 'good ally?'"

I would like the posture and bearing of a ballet dancer, but not the fucked up feet.

Yes. I literally just finished listening to a podcast about Heart of Darkness and then came here to find this. All I can think of is the passage where Marlow describes the Africans as wearing devil-like horns.

If the clothes are old enough (like if they were made before the era of polyester), they are most-likely better quality than what you'd buy new today.

It's that straw sucking-sounding percussion, whatever it is. I tried turning down the volume and then realised that it wasn't my ears that were hurting, but my brain.

Now playing

Listened to the first minute. It made my brain hurt.

You're right, actually. I think I remember Blanche wearing this number on an episode.

I could see Lena Dunham wearing this.

This is totally Modcloth now that you mention it. Just swap the collar for a peter pan.

No sleeveless frocks for the ladies? Spoken like the Taliban.

Damn it. These damn kids are no better than Isis.

Are you from CT?

Plus so many of these cop-committed killings have been caught on camera and fuck all was done about it, like with Eric Garner.

Right? The exasperated look on her face says it all.

Anthropologists rely on physical evidence (As in, they have actually found the remains of these animals traps and have observed modern peoples using similar hunting methods). Evolutionary psych people have nothing. There is literally no methodology for separating good hypotheses from bad ones, no attempt at

Well first of all, serial killling =/= gathering food.