No sleeveless frocks for the ladies? Spoken like the Taliban.
Are you from CT?
Plus so many of these cop-committed killings have been caught on camera and fuck all was done about it, like with Eric Garner.
Right? The exasperated look on her face says it all.
Anthropologists rely on physical evidence (As in, they have actually found the remains of these animals traps and have observed modern peoples using similar hunting methods). Evolutionary psych people have nothing. There is literally no methodology for separating good hypotheses from bad ones, no attempt at…
Well first of all, serial killling =/= gathering food.
"That was very interesting to me, as an evolutionary psychologist, that it reflects kind of ancestral tendencies."
And it's ugly. Had to be said. I don't even give a shit if people are insulted that I'm shitting all over their favourite hobby of wanking over historical clothing. The costume designer's "vision" here is stupid. The dress is ugly. There's nothing aesthetically pleasing about looking like you can't sit down because…
That is not what I wrote.
It doesn't matter if you want to continue to encourage eating disorders in young girls or not. What matters is the result. Intent is not magic.
Probably. I wish the trend for fur would die and be replaced with a fad for seal-leather boots or something. At least that way, the Inuit would get a boost.
I don't think I could actually walk in this dress, though. The hemline is so long and I'm allergic to high heels. But I could totally just wear it around the house. Work is over. Chores are done. Throw on a ballgown and make a pot of tea.
I saw a documentary a few years ago about kidnapped children. One of them was being raised by a family she thought was her own, but eventually recognised her baby photo on a news story about abducted children and alerted authorities. Then she learned that the woman who raised her had killed her biological mother and…
Any cheesecake. Or really, any cake at all. I guess I'd settle for any sweet thing right now.
Oh no. Now I want yellow and green cheesecake. Thanks a lot.