
If he had really committed to the mime role, he would have done the whole thigh in pancake makeup. Cutting it off at the knee = cop out.

They all look annoyed.

Those babies can't even stretch their legs in those crates!

These stock photo newborns are giant!

True, but the first paragraph of this piece says that Dunn is the first "woman" to appear solo on British Vogue's cover in 12 years.

I guess that's one way to cover dark circles.

He married up.

You just reminded me: "Basic Bitch." Add it to the list. From now, I'm just going to use the terms "sorority girl" "frat boy" or "overgrown sorority girl" or "overgrown frat boy" as needed.


That wasn't a "flight of stairs"! It was a single step!

I'm going to guess Nicki Minaj and no. That's just a hunch, though.

I guess Igloo was like the anti-christ ushering in the end of days for hip hop all along.

Click on the links. Read the articles. Stop denying the gendered wage gap. And now fuck off.

I think a lot of people are so invested in denying racism that no amount of facts, statistics or history will change their minds. Their denial is like a superstition in that reality can't touch it.

The stats clearly point to a gendered wage gap. I'm sorry you can't accept that, but I can't dig through paragraph after paragraph of you stupidly trying to argue against the stats (without providing any of your own, because of course) and/or trying to derail the argument because you tried to argue that an

What I'm arguing IS born out by statistics, you're just too damned lazy to actually click on the article. You're trying to say that I'm arguing that gender is the only factor in the wage gap (incorrect, I never argued that), but what you're really trying to do with your anecdotal evidence is to deny that gender is

But if you look at statistics for the wage gap that look at educational attainment, you will see that in fact the wage gap widens as educational attainment goes up. No amount of derailing is going to change that.

Really? Because I know white American women who have attained a middle class level of education and who are working as nannies themselves.