
Is it horrible that I was tempted for a few seconds there?

Since those rich people want loads of poor people competing to nanny their rich brats and don't want the poors to have kids of their own to take attention away from their yuppiespawn. Also, since the rich have decided they don't give a shit about maintaining a workforce at home since they can just send jobs overseas

Wouldn't men for the most part have to marry women earning less than them because of the wage gap? The higher up you go in educational attainment, the bigger the earning gap between genders.

Pitbull AND Knickleback.

Whine away if it makes you feel better. I don't mind. I would never have even thought of freezing my eggs, but these women seem to come from middle class to upper middle class backgrounds, so I guess it's the done thing with them. It's a shame that you work so many hours and still can't afford proper health care.

A lot of women in my sector seem to freeze their eggs and then put off having kids until they have the career in the bag. I can see how that gives them more time to suss out better options. But I came into the game from the working class, so I just did my spawning in my early 20s.

Thank fuck my dad didn't have youtube when I was a kid.

Facebook. Never. Forgets.

Can't lie. I loled so hard as I watched this. I'm kind of torn over Femen. On one hand, protesting patriarchal religions is a good thing. On the other hand, protesting because you think god is a woman is completely stupid (because obviously there is no god). Cracking down hard on this woman because she offended

I also hate real perfume, especially when someone is wearing it in a small space, like a car or elevator.

I made a tea loaf this year on Christmas eve for my family and it didn't even last until Christmas morning.

I'm allergic to Whole Foods, though. Also, I think regifting is fair. Even though you don't use the BBW stuff yourself, you know people who do like it, so the people who get it for you are saving you from having to go out and buy another gift for someone else, thus still making it a useful gift.

Sorry to hear that. Next year will be better, though.

Funny, because the reason I like BBW stuff so much is because it's not has heavy as real perfume, which makes me vomit if I'm stuck in close quarters with it. I avoid department store beauty sections for that reason.

I can't tell if this is the Gulf Coast or the coast of one of the Great Lakes?

I would seriously have to google every brand you just namedropped there because I haven't heard of any of them.

Secondhand bedazzled moomoo? Burn.

Wait, but did it have the tags still on it? Because sometimes even without a receipt, if the tags are still attached, you can change it for store credit and get something you'd actually enjoy, thus subverting the passive-aggressive intent behind the oversized glitter shirt.

Yeah, socks are great. Also: slippers. They ware out so fast so it's always nice to have a spare pair waiting in the wings.

Ok, well I will take the organic natural oil stuff, too, if EGR ever needs to get me a Christmas gift for whatever reason. But I am just as happy with Bath and Body Works, so if she wants to re-gift me some of that stuff, I will be Ok with it.