
I'd pretty much take any of the gifts on this list and be happy. Give me socks, a coffee card, some Amazon money, a Yankee candle, a blank book, some spray from B&BW and a cake (a proper tea loaf, though) and I'm like a pig in shit. Throw in one of those tins of biscuits or a selection of chocolate and my Christmas is

I just kind of like socks? Not like reindeer socks or anything like that, but some nice argyle ones wouldn't go astray.

Ah, Dunkin Donuts coffee. Whenever I'm in the USA and on the correct coast, I suddenly become a coffee-drinker.

Oh damn. I actually think of Bath and Body as the "nice" end of the scented bath stuff spectrum. I suppose I am out-of-touch and not middle class enough. :(

tbh, the real difference between the fundie situation in Ireland and in the USA is that the fundies are in power in Ireland so people walk on egg shells around them. They don't have to act crazy in public like the USA fundies because they already got their ways years ago and nobody has the courage to get them out of

It's a shame how often women are reduced to mere thought experiments rather than being seen as human beings.

Confusing. And yet so convenient.

I reckon a certain percentage of the population secretly enjoys ugly christmas jumpers and that wearing them "as a joke" is just an excuse to wear them.

This is a weird angle. Who thought it was a good idea to get an up-the-nose shot?

Icelandic Santa is so thin. He's a shadow of his former self.

That's Spike Lee, though. He tries to throw a few breadcrumbs of feminism to black feminists, but can't help letting his own sexism shine through.

I'm going to go with evil for 2 reasons.

Meh. This isn't just a grudge between a few individuals. This is a philosophical debate that goes beyond the people involved directly. Let it be broadcast on Twitter therefore.

It would probably take an intervention.

Yup. The fact that he shot the gf first and then killed himself in the end makes this a classic spree-kill. The killer's attempt to justify his spree by claiming it was in retaliation for police brutality was only part of his grandiose delusions.

It's a shame that Sharpton even has to make a statement because this guy had nothing to do with the protests and his murder of two cops had nothing to do with Garner, Brown, etc.

I hate Iggy Azalea as much as the next guy, but wouldn't an apology be a bit empty if she was blackmailed into it?

I think the point is that all of the people on the list are celebrities. Anita and Malala have become really well-known because of their feminist stances, but they weren't celebrities before that.

I listened to the song so you don't have to. It's bad.

Well someone must be doing some innovating if current pop music sounds nothing like the music she was producing back in her heyday (when mammoths roamed the earth).