
To be honest, I'm not concerned about the individual feelings on any individual white people here. I think I'm asking a broader philosophical question about whether white people can be involved at all without being problematic.

I don't think anyone needs to be rewarded for being baseline decent human being. That's its own reward. I also appreciate why this author is annoyed by white people who make a big show out of not being racist just to further their own careers or polish their own self image or worse, to deny that racism is even a

Hang on. Reading TO a nine year old? wtf?

True, but she could tackle one issue, and that's the issue of their CEO being a creep who sexually harasses people.

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

No. I don't think that it's the case that that headdress is a blend. If you google the designer, you'll see that she's a very white Canadian woman who has made a career for herself in Paris by dressing hipsters in Native Americanesq fashions. I doubt she's even aware of the fact that people wear pink headdresses in

This is truly a new era in tabloid reportage wherein we objectify the bodyguards of celebrities. Can't wait for the bodyguard beach body issue.


I get that her ass is like her trademark, but I hate seeing dismembered-looking body parts floating around on their own.

At least if we ever have to troll Gawker, we now know how to do it: Get things wrong about LOTR.

I just noticed while watching that clip that Martin Freeman looks like Martin Short.

Plenty of ethnic minorities in Eastern Europe! Just google any of their soccer teams.

Um....none of that is the shop owner's fault and there's no reason she should have to eat the cost of the nurse's order when the shop had a clear no-refund policy in place. If you think the nurse should have her wedding paid for, then you should start a Go-Fund-Me or something for her.

Yay! She took off those ugly shorts. And threw them into a river, hopefully.


You type with your mouth open? Really?

I actually came here just for the Adultosaur comments.

That was a lovely rant. Thank you.