
Aw. Your poor, embarrassed father-in-law. My dad once got mistaken for my husband when we were taking my child to a museum, but he's short and looks kind of ageless, like he should be a faerie in Lord of the Rings or something, so I guess it's an understandable mistake.

Bear Junior had to spend some weeks in the premie unit. While I was there once, an older gentleman came in to visit another baby. The nurse said, "Are you the grandfather?" And he said, "No, I'm the father." The nurse looked so embarrassed.

Someone (not Lifetime) should do a proper Aaliyah movie.

Remember when everyone and their brother could do the dance routine from Janet Jackson's "If"?

It's also pretty dumb that apparently that person thinks that "kill" (which would have been the correct word to use in the headline) is somehow a less violent word. So much eye roll.

They make their employees work on Thanksgiving, thus diminishing the importance of the holiday. They pay their employees so little that they can only afford to do Christmas if they get things on sale. They overly-inflate prices all year then drop them this one day so their employees will think they are getting a

I bet millennials are also more likely to have to work on Thanksgiving/Black Friday than older generations, which why some of them don't see Thanksgiving as a holiday anymore and feel like they might as well be shopping.

Not only that, but people who use the word "murder" and "kill" interchangeably when it comes to animals (and in other cases, fetuses) suddenly remember the legal connotation behind "murder" when it becomes convenient for them. If the same person who claims that killing a rabbit is "murder" drives into a pedestrian and

Or e) a really good liar.

I hit 3 before lunch.

True. I've met some "aspirational" types who work at Wholefoods, eat beyond their means (as in, blow more money they can afford on expensive fake butter) and dabble in anti-vax shit.

That top tried to eat you!

I bought a sports bra there last year in my usual size. I didn't try it on, just packed it in my bag and went hiking. I already own several more in the same style, so you'd think I would know what size to get, right? Nope. I put on that sportsbra in the middle of my camping trip and it was so tight I got stuck in it.

Ok, lol. Yeah, that master can be a tricky bastard.

The gun is a phallus. If we were going to be really stringent about not using any of the master's tools, then we wouldn't be allowed to use it. But literally, slave uprisings were a crucial driving force for emancipation and then independence in countries across South America and the Caribbean. So it seems, even if

Not if you kill the fucker first.

No, I've read the original piece. I get Lorde's point. I simply hate the analogy itself.

An analogy is supposed to be something literal that helps illustrate something figurative. You absolutely can build your own house with the master's tools. Literally. I'm not even getting into the figurative here.

Well it is more complex than that. You're right about that.

I agree with your main point, but god that Audre Lord quote is one that I wish would just die. Worst analogy ever. If the master has a sledge hammer in his tool kit, you absolutely can dismantle his house with it.