
I don't think outside observers get that kind of argument, though. Most people think in black-and-white terms, where everything is equal, most of the time. It's the default. I think a better tactic would be let women tell their own stories about how this kind of legislation affects them, put a face on the issue, drive

The thing is that fighting fire with fire doesn't work on these people for many reasons, the biggest reason being that they actually get off on gore and enjoy the thought of making women suffer. Confronted with the photo you've posted, these people would feel a little bit of glee that their god apparently punished

Oh there's going to be pie.

Wait. What? There's no pumpkin in it?! Fuck. Because I have spent the last few years reading about these damn pumpkin spice lattes on the internet, but can't get them here and it's hard to get pumpkins in general because nobody eats them in this country. So this year I grew a pumpkin and it's actually gotten really

Rebrand yourself as normcore.

Thank you! I was getting sick of seeing all these basic analysis things popping up all over the place. I live in the back of beyonds and was still able to figure out the original usage of "basic bitch" thanks to the internet. If we're going to over-intellectualize the term, then we could at the very least strive to

Oh yeah? I was thinking if we played it backwards and brought up some of the levels and dropped others CSI-style there might be hidden messages in this track. Like The Beatles. What is the prophet Tay Tay trying to tell us?

If you play it backwards it sounds like the ocean!!!!1

I guess on the bright side, at least there are some musicians making money from playing music somehow. I was only joking about having friends who went to Julliard.

A lot of my friends have embraced virtual instruments alongside traditional ones, but I think this new business model means that they're probably not going to make money from the songs they write unless they get their own cartoon to sing them.

I'm not trying super hard to do anything. That douchebag posted this thing in public. You're being willfully blind.

There are plenty of stories on Jezebel where women are called out for their creepy behaviour, a recent example being the author who stalked the person who gave her a one-star review.

First thought: Why'd she put the wrong colour foundation on her arse?

Yeah, we're in the year 2014, not 1950. But this is a Christian school, so it's still the dark ages.

If you don't know the difference between looking for a romantic partner and trying to buy one, then you are an asshole.

We don't know what she was like, but we do KNOW that he's an asshole. Proof: he posted this ebay ad.

I am now weeping for all of my musician friends who will soon be vying to be in the backing band of a cartoon in order to pay the bills. All those years at Juliard—for this!

How do they pick the set-list? Do they pick the youtube videos with the most views? Or do they change the set depending on location? And this cartoon apparently has a live band?

So the fans write the songs themselves? And then post them on youtube? And then they pay $75 to watch this cartoon sing them? I'm confused.

It's clear that he's the jerk in this scenario and the girlfriend was right to run away as fast as possible. Think of how awful he must be that she'd rather dump him than go on holiday with him.